~5000 afpAccessDenied ~5001 afpAuthContinue ~5002 afpBadUAM ~5003 afpBadVersNum ~5004 afpBitmapErr ~5005 afpCantMove ~5006 afpDenyConflict ~5007 afpDirNotEmpty ~5008 afpDiskFull ~5009 afpEofError ~5010 afpFileBusy ~5011 afpFlatVol ~5012 afpItemNotFound the AFP information was not found ~5013 afpLockErr ~5014 afpMiscErr ~5015 afpNoMoreLocks ~5016 afpNoServer ~5017 afpObjectExists ~5018 afpObjectNotFound ~5019 afpParmErr ~5020 afpRangeNotLocked ~5021 afpRangeOverlap ~5022 afpSessClosed ~5023 afpUserNotAuth ~5024 afpCallNotSupported ~5025 afpObjectTypeErr ~5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen ~5027 afpServerGoingDown ~5028 afpCantRename ~5029 afpDirNotFound ~5030 afpIconTypeError the size of new icon and the one it replaces don't match ~5031 afpVolLocked the volume is Read-Only ~5032 afpObjectLocked the object is M/R/D/W inhibited ~5033 afpContainsSharedErr the folder being shared contains a shared folder ~5034 afpIDNotFound ~5035 afpIDExists ~5036 afpDiffVolErr ~5037 afpCatalogChanged ~5038 afpSameObjectErr ~5039 afpBadIDErr ~5040 afpPwdSameErr someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mandatory password change ~5041 afpPwdTooShortErr the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded ~5042 afpPwdExpiredErr the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue ~5043 afpInsideSharedErr the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder ~5044 afpInsideTrashErr the folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder ~5060 afpBadDirIDType ~5061 afpCantMountMoreSrvre ~5062 afpAlreadyMounted ~5063 afpSameNodeErr ~5100 kSRNotAvailable the service requested is not available or applicable ~5101 kSRInternalError a system internal or hardware error condition occurred ~5102 kSRComponentNotFound a needed system resource was not located ~5103 kSROutOfMemory an out of memory error occurred in the toolbox memory space ~5104 kSRNotASpeechObject the object specified is no longer or never was valid ~5105 kSRBadParameter an invalid parameter was specified ~5106 kSRParamOutOfRange when we say 0-100, don't pass in 101 ~5107 kSRBadSelector an unrecognized selector was specified ~5108 kSRBufferTooSmall returned from attribute access functions ~5109 kSRNotARecSystem the object used was not a SRRecognitionSystem ~5110 kSRFeedbackNotAvail there is no feedback window associated with SRRecognizer ~5111 kSRCantSetProperty a non-settable property was specified ~5112 kSRCantGetProperty a non-gettable property was specified ~5113 kSRCantSetDuringRecognition the property can't be set while recognition is in progress -- do before or between utterances ~5114 kSRAlreadyListening in response to SRStartListening ~5115 kSRNotListeningState in response to SRStopListening ~5116 kSRModelMismatch no acoustical models are avail to match request ~5117 kSRNoClientLanguageModel trying to access a non-specified SRLanguageModel ~5118 kSRNoPendingUtterances nothing to continue search on ~5119 kSRRecognitionCanceled an abort error occurred during search ~5120 kSRRecognitionDone search has finished, but nothing was recognized ~5121 kSROtherRecAlreadyModal another recognizer is modal at the moment, so can't set this recognizer's kSRBlockModally property right now ~5122 kSRHasNoSubItems SRCountItems or related routine was called on an object without sub-elements -- e.g. a word -- rather than phrase, path, or LM ~5123 kSRSubItemNotFound returned when accessing a non-existent sub item of a container ~5124 kSRLanguageModelTooBig can't build language models so big ~5125 kSRAlreadyReleased this object has already been released before ~5126 kSRAlreadyFinished the language model can't be finished twice ~5127 kSRWordNotFound the spelling couldn't be found in lookup(s) ~5128 kSRNotFinishedWithRejection property not found because the LMObj is not finished with rejection ~5129 kSRExpansionTooDeep language model is left recursive or is embedded too many levels ~5130 kSRTooManyElements too many elements added to phrase or path or other language model object ~5131 kSRCantAdd can't add given type of object to the base SRLanguageObject (e.g.in SRAddLanguageObject) ~5132 kSRSndInSourceDisconnected sound input source is disconnected ~5133 kSRCantReadLanguageObject an error while trying to create new Language object from file or pointer -- possibly bad format ~5199 kSRNotImplementedYet you'd better wait for this feature in a future release ~5200 numberFormattingNotANumberErr ~5201 numberFormattingOverflowInDestinationErr ~5202 numberFormattingBadNumberFormattingObjectErr ~5203 numberFormattingSpuriousCharErr ~5204 numberFormattingLiteralMissingErr ~5205 numberFormattingDelimiterMissingErr ~5206 numberFormattingEmptyFormatErr ~5207 numberFormattingBadFormatErr ~5208 numberFormattingBadOptionsErr ~5209 numberFormattingBadTokenErr ~5210 numberFormattingUnOrdredCurrencyRangeErr ~5211 numberFormattingBadCurrencyPositionErr ~5212 numberFortmattingNotADigitErr ~5220 textParserBadParamErr ~5221 textParserObjectNotFoundErr ~5222 textParserBadTokenValueErr ~5223 textParserBadParserObjectErr ~5224 textParserParamErr ~5225 textParserNoMoreTextErr ~5226 textParserBadTextLanguageErr ~5227 textParserBadTextEncodingErr ~5228 textParserNoSuchTokenFoundErr ~5229 textParserNoMoreTokensErr ~5240 errUnknownAttributeTag ~5241 errMarginWilllNotFit ~5242 errNotInImagingMode ~5243 errAlreadyInImagingMode ~5244 errEngineNotFound ~5245 errIteratorReachedEnd ~5246 errInvalidRange ~5247 errOffsetNotOnElementBounday ~5248 errNoHiliteText ~5249 errEmptyScrap ~5250 errReadOnlyText ~5251 errUnknownElement ~5252 errNonContiuousAttribute ~5253 errCannotUndo ~5500 envNotPresent the requested system extension is not present ~5501 envBadVers the version number was negative ~5502 envVersTooBig the version number was too big ~5550 gestaltUnknownErr the Gestalt response could not be obtained ~5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr the Gestalt selector requested was undefined ~5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr the Gestalt selector already exists ~5553 gestaltLocationErr the Gestalt selector function is not in the system heap ~5603 controlPropertyInvalid ~5604 controlPropertyNotFoundErr ~5696 kNavInvalidSystemConfigErr ~5697 kNavCustomControlMessageFailedErr ~5698 kNavInvalidCustomControlMessageErr ~5699 kNavMissingKindStringErr ~5750 collectionItemLockedErr ~5751 collectionItemNotFoundErr ~5752 collectionIndexRangeErr ~5753 collectionVersionErr ~5775 messageStopLoopingErr ~5776 cantDeleteRunningHandlerErr ~5777 noMessageTableErr ~5778 dupSignatureErr ~5799 messageNotReceivedErr ~5800 ERR_NOTCONNECTED ~5801 ERR_CONNECTIONABORTED ~5802 ERR_ALREADYCONNECTED ~5803 ERR_COMMANDALREADYINPROGRESS ~5804 ERR_BADVERSION ~5805 ERR_INSHUTDOWN ~5806 ERR_CONNECTIONABORTING ~5807 ERR_ALREADYENABLED ~5808 ERR_ZONEBUFBADSIZE ~5809 ERR_CONNECTTIMEDOUT ~5810 ERR_CONNECTUSERTIMEDOUT ~5811 ERR_BADPARAMETER ~5812 ERR_NOMULTINODE ~5813 ERR_ATALKNOTACTIVE ~5814 ERR_NOCALLBACKSUPPORT ~5815 ERR_NOTOPENEDBYTHISPB ~5816 ERR_NOGLOBALS ~5817 ERR_NOSMARTBUFFER ~5818 ERR_BADATALKVERS ~5819 ERR_VLD8_CALLBACK ~5820 ERR_VLD8_BADVERSION) ~5821 ERR_VLD8_BADUSER ~5822 ERR_VLD8_BADPASSWORD ~5823 ERR_VLD8_BADLINK ~5824 ERR_VLD8_NOCALLBACKALLOWED ~5825 ERR_VLD8_ALLCBSERVERSBUSY ~5826 ERR_VLD8_GUESTNOTALLOWED ~5827 ERR_VLD8_SERVERISIMPOSTER ~5828 ERR_VLD8_LOGINNOTENABLED ~5829 ERR_REMOTEPORTALREADYEXISTS ~5830 ERR_OPENNOTALLOWED ~5831 ERR_NOUSERSANDGROUPS ~5832 ERR_PORTSHUTDOWN ~5833 ERR_PORTDOESNOTEXIST ~5834 ERR_PWNEEDEDFORENABLE ~5835 ERR_DAMAGED ~5836 ERR_NETCONFIGCHANGED ~5837 ERR_NOSUPPORT_ATREMOTE ~5838 ERR_CONFLICTING_REQUEST ~5839 ERR_VLD8_INVALIDAUTHMETHOD ~5840 ERR_VLD8_CONTINUE ~5841 ERR_PWCHANGECANCEL ~5850 ERR_VLD8_MANUALPASSWORDREQUIRED ~6200 kCmCameraError ~6201 kCmAIPError ~6202 kCmAlreadyOpenError ~6203 kCmANIPError ~6204 kCmBadArgError ~6205 kCmCurrentlyConnectedError ~6206 kCmCameraNotFoundError ~6207 kCmHandshakeError ~6208 kCmNotConnectedError ~6209 kCmNoMemoryError ~6210 kCmNoSuchPortError ~6211 kCmNotOpenError ~6212 kCmProtocolError ~6213 kCmDriverNotLoadedError ~6214 kCmCommError ~6215 kCmDrvrVersionError ~6220 kDMGenErr an unexpected Error occurred ~6221 kDMMirroringOnAlready mirroring needs to be turned off ~6222 kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays only 2 displays can be handled ~6223 kDMMirroringBlocked DMBlockMirroring() has been called ~6224 kDMCantBlock mirroring is already on, can’t Block now (call DMUnMirror() first) ~6225 kDMMirroringNotOn mirroring needs to be turned on ~6226 kSysSWTooOld critical pieces of System Software are missing ~6227 kDMSWNotInitializedErr required software is not initialized (eg. WindowManager or display manager) ~6228 kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr the video driver does not support the display manager ~6229 kDMDisplayNotFoundErr/kDMNotFoundErr the item could no be found ~6230 kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr you attempted to add an already installed display ~6231 kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr you tried to move the main display (or a display mirrored to it) ~6232 kDMFoundErr did not proceed because we found an item ~6901 kUSBNotSent2Err the transaction was not sent ~6902 kUSBNotSent1Err the transaction was not sent ~6903 kUSBBufUnderRunErr the host hardware failed on data out, PCI busy? ~6904 kUSBBufOvrRunErr the host hardware failed on data in, PCI busy? ~6905 kUSBRes2Err ~6906 kUSBRes1Err ~6907 kUSBUnderRunErr there was less data than the buffer ~6908 kUSBOverRunErr the packet was too large or contained more data than the buffer ~6909 kUSBWrongPIDErr pipe stalled because of a bad or wrong PID ~6910 kUSBPIDCheckErr pipe stalled because of a PID CRC error ~6911 kUSBNotRespondingErr pipe stalled because of no device or the device was hung ~6912 kUSBEndpointStallErr the device didn't understand ~6913 kUSBDataToggleErr pipe stalled because of a bad data toggle ~6914 kUSBBitstufErr pipe stalled because of bitstuffing ~6915 kUSBCRCErr pipe stalled because of a bad CRC ~6916 kUSBLinkErr ~6948 kUSBQueueFull the internal queue was maxed ~6949 kUSBUnknownNotification the notification type is not defined ~6950 kUSBBadDispatchTable an improper driver dispatch table was used ~6976 kUSBDevicePowerProblem the device has a power problem ~6977 kUSBDeviceBusy the device is already being configured ~6978 kUSBUnknownInterfaceErr the interface ref was not recognized ~6979 kUSBPipeStalledError the pipe has stalled. The error needs to be cleared ~6980 kUSBPipeIdleError the pipe is Idle. It will not accept transactions ~6981 kUSBNoBandwidthError not enough bandwidth was available ~6982 kUSBAbortedError the pipe aborted ~6983 kUSBFlagsError the unused flags were not zeroed ~6984 kUSBCompletionError no completion routine was specified ~6985 kUSBPBLengthError pbLength was too small ~6986 kUSBPBVersionError the wrong pbVersion was found ~6987 kUSBNotFound a "Not found" error occurred ~6988 kUSBOutOfMemoryErr USB is out of memory ~6989 kUSBDeviceErr a device error occurred ~6990 kUSBNoDeviceErr no device was found ~6991 kUSBAlreadyOpenErr USB is already open ~6992 kUSBTooManyTransactionsErr there are too many transactions ~6993 kUSBUnknownRequestErr an unknown request was made ~6994 kUSBRqErr a Request error occurred ~6995 kUSBIncorrectTypeErr the type is incorrect ~6996 kUSBTooManyPipesErr there are too many pipes ~6997 kUSBUnknownPipeErr the pipe ref was not recognized ~6998 kUSBUnknownDeviceErr the device ref was not recognized ~6999 kUSBInternalErr an internal error occurred ~7100 dcmParamErr bad parameter ~7101 dcmNotDictionaryErr not dictionary ~7102 dcmBadDictionaryErr invalid dictionary ~7103 dcmPermissionErr invalid permission ~7104 dcmDictionaryNotOpenErr dictionary not opened ~7105 dcmDictionaryBusyErr dictionary is busy ~7106 dcmBadDictionaryTypeErr bad dictionary type ~7107 dcmBlockFullErr dictionary block full ~7108 dcmNoRecordErr no such record ~7109 dcmDupRecordErr same record already exist ~7110 dcmNecessaryFieldErr lack required/identify field ~7111 dcmBadFieldInfoErr incomplete information ~7112 dcmBadFieldTypeErr no such field type supported ~7113 dcmNoFieldErr no such field exist ~7114 dcmDupFieldErr field already exist ~7115 dcmBadKeyErr bad key information ~7116 dcmTooManyKeyErr too many key field ~7117 dcmBadDataSizeErr too big data size ~7118 dcmBadFindMethodErr no such find method supported ~7119 dcmBadPropertyErr no such property exist ~7120 dcmEndOfStreamErr reaches end of stream ~7121 dcmProtectedErr need keyword to use dictionary ~7122 dcmNoAccessMethodErr no such AccessMethod ~7123 dcmDupAccessMethodErr AccessMethod already exist ~7124 dcmBadFeatureErr invalid AccessMethod feature ~7125 dcmAccessMethodBusyErr AccessMethod is busy ~7126 dcmIterationCompleteErr no more item in iterator ~7127 dcmBufferOverflowErr data is larger than buffer size ~7128 dcmChangesCommittedErr changes cannot be backed out (Access Method probably does not support transactions) ~7849 scsiCannotLoadPlugin there is no matching service category ~7850 scsiBadConnType a bad connection type was specified ~7851 scsiUnused85 ~7852 scsiUnused84 ~7853 scsiTargetReserved the target is already reserved ~7854 scsiIOInProgress can't close the connection because an I/O is in progress ~7855 scsiUnused81 ~7856 scsiBadConnID a bad Connection ID was found ~7857 scsiUnused79 ~7858 scsiInvalidMsgType an invalid message type (internal) was specified ~7859 scsiPartialPrepared the SCSI controller could not do a full prepare memory for I/O ~7860 scsiBadDataLength a zero data length in the PB was specified ~7861 scsiUnused75 ~7862 scsiUnused74 ~7863 scsiCDBLengthInvalid the scsiCDBLength field is too big ~7864 scsiTransferTypeInvalid the scsiTransferType field is too high ~7865 scsiDataTypeInvalid the scsiDataType requested is not supported ~7866 scsiIDInvalid the initiator ID is invalid ~7867 scsiLUNInvalid the LUN supplied is invalid ~7868 scsiTIDInvalid the target ID supplied is invalid ~7869 scsiBusInvalid the bus ID supplied is invalid ~7870 scsiRequestInvalid the PB request is invalid ~7871 scsiFunctionNotAvailable the requested function is not available ~7872 scsiPBLengthError the scsiPBLength is insufficient/invalid ~7881 scsiQLinkInvalid pre-linked PBs are not supported (The QLink field was nonzero) ~7882 scsiNoSuchXref no such RefNum xref exists ~7883 scsiDeviceConflict there is a maximum of 1 refNum per DeviceIdent ~7884 scsiNoHBA no HBA was detected ~7885 scsiDeviceNotThere a SCSI device is not installed/there ~7886 scsiProvideFail the system was unable to provide a request capability ~7887 scsiBusy the SCSI subsystem is busy ~7888 scsiTooManyBuses Register failed because we're full ~7910 scsiCDBReceived the SCSI CDB has been received ~7911 scsiNoNexus nexus is not established ~7912 scsiTerminated the PB request was terminated by the host ~7913 scsiBDRsent a SCSI BDR msg was sent to the target ~7914 scsiUnused16 ~7915 scsiWrongDirection the data phase was in the wrong direction ~7916 scsiSequenceFailed the target bus had a phase sequence failure ~7917 scsiUnexpectedBusFree an unexpected BUS free occurred ~7918 scsiDataRunError a data overrun/underrun occurred ~7919 scsiUnused11 ~7920 scsiAutosenseFailed autosense: Request sense cmd failed ~7921 scsiParityError an uncorrectable parity error occurred ~7922 scsiSCSIBusReset a SCSI bus reset was sent/received ~7923 scsiMessageRejectReceived a message reject was received ~7924 scsiIdentifyMessageRejected ~7925 scsiCommandTimeout the command timed out ~7926 scsiSelectTimeout the target selection timed out ~7927 scsiUnableToTerminate the system was unable to terminate the I/O PB request ~7928 scsiUnused08 ~7929 scsiUnused07 ~7930 scsiUnused06 ~7931 scsiUnused05 ~7932 scsiNonZeroStatusthe PB request completed with an error ~7933 scsiUnableToAbort the system was unable to Abort the PB request ~7934 scsiRequestAborted the PB request was aborted by the host ~7937 kNoPodErr no GeoPort pod is connected ~7938 kPodHwErr a glitch occurred. Try the connection again ~7939 kWrongGeoPortErr a GeoPort is present but it is of the wrong family type ~7940 kGeoPortInUseErr the GeoPort is already in use ~7941 kGeoPortDisconnectErr the GeoPort is disconnected or failed. Correct GeoPort fault ~7942 kGeoPortPodRevErr the hardware rev of the pod is not supported ~7943 kAlternateGeoPortErr the pod is different but same family ID ~7944 kPodSoftwareNotFoundErr couldn't find pod handler software ~7945 kSoftwareInstallErr software is not installed properly ~7946 kCpuPodIncompatibleErr the CPU and pod are incompatible ~7947 kNoPortErr no more ports or port specifier is invalid ~7948 kNoMoreStreams can't allocate any more streams ~7949 kNakReceived the pod sent NAK to poll command ~7950 kCmdTimeout the command timed out ~7951 kDriverAlreadyOpenErr this operation is not allowed when the driver is already open ~7952 kIopModeNotSupported IOP Mode is not supported, use serial switch to change to compatibility mode ~7953 kPortInUseByLocalTalk ~8132 manualFeedTOErr ~8133 generalPSErr ~8150 noChosenPrinterErr ~8151 prepMismatchErr ~8152 noPrepErr ~8160 zoomRangeErr ~8738 kTextUnsupportedEncodingErr the specified encoding is not supported for this operation ~8739 kTextMalformedInputErr something was wrong with the input such as a high byte followed by invalid low byte ~8740 kTextUndefinedElementErr a text conversion error occurred ~8745 kTECMissingTableErr ~8746 kTECTableChecksumErr ~8747 kTECTableFormatErr ~8748 kTECCorruptConverterErr the converter object reference was invalid ~8749 kTECNoConversionPathErr ~8750 kTECBufferBelowMinimumSizeErr the output buffer was too small to allow processing of the first input text element ~8751 kTECArrayFullErr the name buffer or TextRun, TextEncoding, or UnicodeMapping array is too small ~8752 kTECBadTextRunErr ~8753 kTECPartialCharErr the input buffer ends in the middle of a multibyte character ~8754 kTECUnmappableElementErr ~8755 kTECIncompleteElementErr the text element may be incomplete or is too long for internal buffers ~8756 kTECDirectionErr of a direction stack overflow ~8757 unicodeTextEncodingDataErr ~8758 unicodeContextualErr ~8759 unicodeDirectionErr ~8760 unicodeTableFormatErr ~8761 unicodeNotFoundErr ~8762 unicodeElementErr ~8763 unicodeCharErr ~8764 unicodeBufErr ~8765 unicodePartConvertErr ~8766 unicodeFallbacksErr ~8767 unicodeVariantErr ~8768 unicodeNoTableErr ~8769 unicodeChecksumErr ~8770 kTECGlobalsUnavailableErr globals have already been deallocated ~8771 kTECItemUnavailableErr the item (e.g. name) was not available for the specified region ~8783 kTECUsedFallbacksStatus ~8784 kTECNeedFlushStatus ~8785 kTECOutputBufferFullStatus the output buffer has no room for conversion of the next input text element ~8950 errMoreDataToFlush there's still data to be dealt with ~8951 errWhoTookThatOutBuffer we had a buffer. It's gone now. This seems bad. ~8952 errTriedToWriteNullBuffer this should never happen ~8953 errPSStreamNullOutProc we got a bad function pointer for the output routine ~8954 errCouldNotIDArchitecture ~8955 errCFM_EnablerNotPresent we're trying to use CFM-68K, but the enabler's not there ~8956 errSystemProfileNotFound we tried to use ColorSync, but couldn't find the default System Profile ~8957 errHintWrongSize one of the converter's hints was an unexpected size ~8958 errUninitializedPort ~8959 errProfileNotInList the internal temporary profile list went south ~8960 codecErr ~8961 noCodecErr the decompressor specified couldn’t be found ~8962 codecUnimpErr a requested feature isn’t implemented by the compressor ~8963 codecSizeErr ~8964 codecScreenBufErr ~8965 codecImageBufErr ~8966 codecSpoolErr there was an error loading or unloading data ~8967 codecAbortErr the operation was aborted by the progress function ~8968 codecWouldOffscreenErr ~8969 codecBadDataErr ~8970 codecDataVersErr ~8971 codecExtensionNotFoundErr ~8972 codecConditionErr ~8973 codecOpenErr ~8974 codecCantWhenErr the decompressor can’t handle the request ~8975 codecCantQueueErr the decompressor can’t queue the frame ~8976 codecNothingToBlitErr ~8977 codecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErr ~8978 codecDisabledErr the codec disabled itself ~8979 codecNeedToFlushChainErr ~8980 lockPortBitsBadSurfaceErr ~8981 lockPortBitsWindowMovedErr ~8982 lockPortBitsWindowResizedErr ~8983 lockPortBitsWindowClippedErr ~8984 lockPortBitsBadPortErr ~8985 lockPortBitsSurfaceLostErr ~8986 codecParameterDialogConfirm ~8987 codecNeedAccessKeyErr codec needs password in order to decompress ~8988 codecOffscreenFailedErr QuickTime's not there, but we thought it was [?] ~8989 codecDroppedFrameErr returned from ImageCodecDrawBand ~8990 errBadSpoolFileVersion while foreground printing (pre-LW8.4) we read the spool file, and the header information was not good ~8991 errNoProcSetRes while generating PS prolog, we couldn't find the resource containing the needed procedure sets ~8993 errInLineTimeout we got tired of waiting for a response from the printer ~8994 errUnknownPSLevel we asked for the printer's PS level and got an answer we didn't expect ~8995 errFontNotFound a font query reply didn't match any of the PS fonts ~8996 errSizeListBad the size list was not consistent with the face list ~8997 errFaceListBad (NO LONGER USED) ~8998 errNotAKey couldn't find a key for the desired font number ~9000 snsNoSuchTypeErr ~9001 snsNoSuchSubscriptionErr ~9002 snsNoSuchKindErr ~9003 snsDistributorGoneErr ~9004 snsQueueEmptyErr ~9005 snsNoRequestsPendingErr ~9006 snsDuplicateSubscriptionErr ~9007 snsDuplicateDistributorErr ~9008 snsNoSuchDistributorErr ~9009 snsSubjectToLargeErr ~9010 snsBufferTooSmallErr ~9011 snsConsumerQueueOverrunErr ~9012 snsReliabilityFailureErr ~9013 snsAlreadyUnheldErr ~9050 kBadAdapterErr an invalid adapter number was specified ~9051 kBadAttributeErr the specified attributes field value is invalid ~9052 kBadBaseErr the specified base system memory address is invalid ~9053 kBadEDCErr the specified EDC generator specified is invalid ~9054 kBadIRQErr the specified IRQ level is invalid ~9055 kBadOffsetErr the specified PC card memory array offset is invalid ~9056 kBadPageErr the specified page is invalid ~9057 kBadSizeErr the specified size is invalid ~9058 kBadSocketErr the specified logical or physical socket number is invalid ~9059 kBadTypeErr the specified window or interface type is invalid ~9060 kBadVccErr the specified Vcc power level index is invalid ~9061 kBadVppErr the specified Vpp1 or Vpp2 power level index is invalid ~9062 kBadWindowErr the specified window is invalid ~9063 kBadArgLengthErr the ArgLength argument is invalid ~9064 kBadArgsErr the values in argument packet are invalid ~9065 kBadHandleErr the clientHandle is invalid ~9066 kBadCISErr the CIS on card is invalid ~9067 kBadSpeedErr the specified speed is unavailable ~9068 kReadFailureErr the system was unable to complete the read request ~9069 kWriteFailureErr the system was unable to complete the write request ~9070 kGeneralFailureErr an undefined error has occurred ~9071 kNoCardErr no PC card was in the socket ~9072 kUnsupportedFunctionErr the function is not supported by this implementation ~9073 kUnsupportedModeErr the mode is not supported ~9074 kBusyErr the system was unable to process the request at this time - try later ~9075 kWriteProtectedErr the media is write-protected ~9076 kConfigurationLockedErr a configuration has already been locked ~9077 kInUseErr the requested resource is being used by a client ~9078 kNoMoreItemsErr there are no more of the requested item ~9079 kOutOfResourceErr Card Services has exhausted the resource ~9080 kNoCardSevicesSocketsErr ~9081 kInvalidRegEntryErr ~9082 kBadLinkErr ~9083 kBadDeviceErr ~9084 k16BitCardErr ~9085 kCardBusCardErr ~9086 kPassCallToChainErr ~9087 kCantConfigureCardErr ~9088 kPostCardEventErr _PCCSLPostCardEvent failed and dropped an event ~9089 kInvalidDeviceNumber ~9090 kUnsupportedVsErr an unsupported Voltage Sense was requested ~9091 kInvalidCSClientErr the Card Services ClientID is not registered ~9092 kBadTupleDataErr the data in the tuple is invalid ~9093 kBadCustomIFIDErr the custom interface ID is invalid ~9094 kNoIOWindowRequestedErr an I/O window was requested before calling configuration ~9095 kNoMoreTimerClientsErr all timer callbacks are in use ~9096 kNoMoreInterruptSlotsErr all internal Interrupt slots are in use ~9097 kNoClientTableErr the client table has not been initialized yet ~9098 kUnsupportedCardErr the card is not supported by the generic enabler ~9099 kNoCardEnablersFoundErr no Enablers were found ~9100 kNoEnablerForCardErr no Enablers were found that can support the card ~9101 kNoCompatibleNameErr there is no compatible driver name for this device ~9102 kClientRequestDenied CS Clients should return this code in order to deny a request type CS Event ~9103 kNotReadyErr the PC Card failed to go ready ~9104 kTooManyIOWindowsErr the device requested more than one I/O window ~9105 kAlreadySavedStateErr the state has been saved on a previous call ~9106 kAttemptDupCardEntryErr the Enabler was asked to create a duplicate card entry ~9107 kCardPowerOffErr power to the card has been turned off ~9108 kNotZVCapableErr this socket does not support Zoomed Video ~9109 kNoCardBusCISErr no valid CIS exists for this CardBus card ~9325 ATANoDriverErr no driver was found on the media ~9326 ATANoDDMErr no DDM was found on the media ~9327 ATAMemoryErr a memory allocation error occurred ~9328 ATAInvalidDrvNum an invalid drive number from the event was detected ~9336 ATADmaXferErr a fatal error in DMA side of transfer occurred ~9337 ATAMgrConsistencyErr the Manager detected an internal inconsistency ~9338 ATAXferModeErr the I/O xfer mode is not supported ~9339 ATAXferParamErr the I/O xfer parameters are inconsistent ~9340 ATASDFailErr a Shutdown failure occurred ~9341 ATAMgrMemoryErr a Manager memory allocation error occurred ~9342 CantHandleEvent the particular event couldn't be handled (call others) ~9343 DriverLocked the current driver must be removed before adding another ~9344 AT_NoAddrErr an invalid AT base address was specified ~9345 ATABusErr a bus error was detected on I/O ~9346 ATAInternalErr MagnumOpus returned an error ~9347 ATANoClientErr no client was present to handle the event ~9348 ATAPITxCntErr an overrun/Underrun condition was detected ~9349 ATAPIPhaseErr an unexpected phase •••IS THIS VALID ERROR??? ~9350 ATAAbortedDueToRst the request was aborted due to a device reset command ~9351 ATAUnableToAbort the I/O queue entry could not be aborted ~9352 ATAReqAborted the I/O queue entry was aborted due to an abort request or due to Manager shutdown ~9353 ATAQLocked the I/O Queue is locked due to previous I/O error ~9354 ATAUnknownState the device status register reflects an unknown state ~9355 ATAReqInProg the channel is busy; channel is processing another cmd ~9356 ATATransTimeOut a transaction timeout was detected ~9357 ATABusy the selected device is busy ~9358 ATAFuncNotSupported an unknown function code was specified ~9359 ATAPBInvalid the bus base address couldn't be found ~9360 ATAMgrNotInitialized the Mgr has not been initialized ~9371 ATAEjectDrvErr the system could not eject the drive ~9372 ATADevUnsupported the device type is not supported ~9373 ATABufFail a device buffer test failure occurred ~9374 ATAInitFail the Mgr Initialization failed ~9375 NoATAMgr a MgrInquiry request failed => No ATA Manager ~9376 DRVRCantAllocate an allocation error occurred during initialization ~9394 ATAPICheckErr an ATAPI Check condition occurred ~9395 AT_MCErr a Media Changed error occurred ~9396 AT_AbortErr the command was aborted by the drive ~9397 AT_RecalErr the Recalibrate failed ~9398 AT_WrFltErr a Write fault occurred ~9399 AT_SeekErr a Seek error occurred ~9400 AT_UncDataErr/noDeviceForChannel the data was not corrected / ~9401 AT_CorDataErr/grabTimeComplete the data was corrected / ~9402 AT_BadBlkErr/cantDoThatInCurrentMode a Bad Block was found / the request is invalid in the current mode ~9403 AT_DMarkErr/notEnoughMemoryToGrab the data mark was not found / there isn’t enough memory to complete the operation ~9404 AT_IDNFErr/notEnoughDiskSpaceToGrab the ID was not found / there isn’t enough disk space to complete the operation ~9405 AT_NRdyErr/couldntGetRequiredComponent the drive is not Ready / the component wasn’t found ~9406 badSGChannel an invalid channel was specified ~9407 seqGrabInfoNotAvailable ~9408 deviceCantMeetRequest ~9994 badControllerHeight ~9995 editingNotAllowed ~9996 controllerBoundsNotExact ~9997 cannotSetWidthOfAttachedController ~9998 controllerHasFixedHeight ~9999 cannotMoveAttachedController